Turf & Soil Diagnostics

Turf & Soil Diagnostics

Testing Services for Golf Courses, Sports Fields, Public and Commercial Landscapes

Soil & Aggregate

Physical Testing


Turf & Soil Diagnostics (TSD) provides our customers with accredited testing of soil, aggregate, growing media, soil amendments, and drainage systems.  We also perform research and development, on-site evalutions, and Gmax field hardness testing. 


Our customer base is world-wide, and includes superintendents, field managers, contractors, architects, and suppliers working with everything from parks and recreations fields, to professional athletic and golf facilities, to major public and private landscapes.


The TSD labs are located in Kansas and New York (USA), where we provide our employees with good work environment, competitive pay, and opportunities for growth. 


Note: Turf & Soil Diagnostics does not accept samples containing hazardous materials.  Our labs only work with clean soils, sands, amendments, etc.